The hurly burly of Lagos…Southeast to get first sea port…2012-type flood coming… Barber marries her client…plus South East Digest…

The hurly burly of Lagos The hurly burly of Lagos can either bring out the best or the worst in you. Or how else can you judge the piece below from Chinenye Uzo-Mbaukwu. Chinenye contributed the piece as part of a discussion on “Nigeria’s wasted generations” on the WhatsApp chat group of the Society of Igbo Professionals (SIP). We couldn’t resist bringing you the beautiful piece: “I am caught in traffic in Lekki warily watching the swarm of sweat soaked hawkers, ragged child beggars darting about like flies to press bodies against cars as though to tap energy. “For many of the people on the street, the only way to read them is to look into their eyes because their faces are dark, blackened by the sun like an obsidian disk. What do you see? The bloodshot eyes of the bus driver that pulls up beside insulting, threatening you for not letting him cut in; the vacant gaze of the passerby who is himself indeed passed by; the fake beseeching sla...